Erik of het klein insectenboek

IMDb 5.6/10  (341)
RFF 5.7/10  (3)
SC 1.7/10 

Year: 2004
Country: Belgium, Netherlands
Actors and Actresses: Merijn van Heiningen, Jasper Oldenhof, Marius Gottlieb, Yale Sackman
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Eric in the Land of the Insects is the story about the dream of the ten years old boy Eric Pinksterblom. On the night before the day in which he has to pass a severe test about Solm’s Concise Natural History, Eric is glancing at his favourite painting ("Industrious Valley") that hangs on the wall next to his bed. While he imagines how beautiful life must be over there, the painting comes to life.
At that same moment, Eric becomes very small and in a great arching jump, flies over the edge of the frame. He falls into the soft green grass, high as a forest with trees. The grass is crawling with insects, with the same good and bad points as human beings. He gets to know some of them. He has dinner with the neat family Wasp; he plays the bass on a living blowfly; he stays the overnight in a snails' shell that serves as a hotel; he meets a butterfly in love; he is attacked by a spider and is witness to a fight between two hordes of ants.
At the end of the story Eric wakes up and has to go to school to pass his test. But he doesn’t do to well. Eric’s fantastic report of his meetings with the insects is considered “nonsense” and “ridiculous” by his schoolteacher. The next night Eric is waiting for the big miracle which will take him back to the Industrious Valley. However, his waiting is in vain: "The big miracle does not occur. Not that night nor the night after. In fact, it never happens again!" (based upon the book by Godfried Bomans) -
Movie added at: 02.11.2022

'Erik of het klein insectenboek'

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