La casa de mi abuela
IMDb 7.4/10  (74)
RFF 6.4/10  (8)
SC 7.4/10 

Year: 2005
Country: Spain
Actors and Actresses: Marina Pastor
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Being 6 years old, and having to live with your grandmother who is 75 years and has very old fashioned ideas, is not easy to say the least. That the situation leads to rebellion only seems logic.... - IMDb
Movie added at: 30.11.2013


'La casa de mi abuela'

Gusi-lebedi letyat
IMDb 6.5/10  (13)
RFF 5.6/10  (5)
SC 1.9/10 

Year: 1974
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Volodya Chubarev
Review: Living with his grandfather and mother, Little Mikhaylik has a great passion for books and hearing about a huge library at a nearby castle, he begins making plans to go there.
Movie added at: 27.11.2013

'Gusi-lebedi letyat'

Rodina je základ státu
IMDb 6.7/10  (153)
RFF 6.0/10  (2)
SC 4.9/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Czech Republic
Actors and Actresses: Kristýna Tomícková, Albert Miksík
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Thirty-year-old Libor (Igor Chmela) is the father of two children, a former teacher, now a senior bank executive whose company went bankrupt because fraud by the managers was uncovered. The investigators offer to plea bargain in exchange for Libor's cooperation, and also suggest what all they know about him. Apparently there is plenty for a prison sentence. Libor takes time to reflect and convinces his wife to go away for a few days. Is he fleeing from justice, or does he merely want to delay the moment of truth, when he tells his wife he will have to go to jail? Or is there something else going on entirely? - IMDb
Movie added at: 23.11.2013


'Rodina je základ státu'

A Day with the Boys
IMDb 7.2/10  (457)
RFF 5.2/10  (10)
SC 7.9/10 

Year: 1969
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Artie Conkling, William Elliott, Ricky Bender, Craig Williams, Mike Hertel, Mark Spirtos, Jack Grindle, John Gulager, John McCaffrey
Tags: boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 20.11.2013

'A Day with the Boys'

Sdelano v SSSR
IMDb 7.0/10  (31)
RFF 3.5/10  (2)
SC 6.3/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Russia
Movie added at: 15.11.2013

'Sdelano v SSSR'

IMDb 5.3/10  (179)
RFF 4.0/10  (6)
SC 5.0/10 

Year: 1988
Country: Sweden, Norway
Actors and Actresses: Martin Disch
Review: The action takes place in a grim anarchist future civilization after a big crash or war. A young man, Allan (Bentein Baardson), decides to move out of the city as his family live in. He brings his wife, Lisa ('Petronella Barker'), and the son to a big garbage dump located outside the city. Where they settle and survive on the waste they find on the dump. They are in many ways more closely related to each other by living this way, and Lisa eventually becomes pregnant. But there is a great shortage of water (Sweetwater) and the family of three must go out and look for water. When they discover they are not alone in staying in landfill. It will be a struggle for existence. - IMDb
Movie added at: 13.11.2013


Die Schokoladenkönigin
IMDb 3.5/10  (44)
SC 2.6/10 

Year: 2005
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Roxanne Borski, Yoshij Grimm
Movie added at: 09.11.2013

'Die Schokoladenkönigin'

Vecernja zvona
IMDb 7.2/10  (195)
RFF 7.3/10  (7)
SC 3.9/10 

Year: 1986
Country: Yugoslavia
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Trials and tribulations of a Croatian Communist intellectual in the turbulent years before, during and after WW2. - IMDb
Movie added at: 06.11.2013

'Vecernja zvona'

La femme enfant
IMDb 6.2/10  (173)
RFF 6.7/10  (9)
SC 8.6/10 

Year: 1980
Country: France, West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Pénélope Palmer
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Klaus Kinski has done a lot of strange things on screen, but he may never before have lain smiling as his face was whipped with colored petticoats or have ministered to a constipated cow. These are some memorable moments from Raphaele Billetdoux's ''La Femme Enfant,'' a film that is otherwise on the dull side. It depicts a half-formed love affair between an 11-year-old French girl and a mute, middleaged peasant gardener. And it follows a predictable pattern, even if its emphasis is distinctly on the strange.
''La Femme Enfant,'' which opens today at the Lincoln Plaza, takes place mostly at the cottage of Marcel (Mr. Kinski), which is in marked contrast to the drab quarters young Elizabeth (Penelope Palmer) shares with her parents. The parents, who run a small-town beauty parlor, spend their mealtimes silently in a dreary kitchen, whereas Marcel's place is filled with domestic wonders. He keeps a pet bunny, hangs herb bouquets from the ceiling, covertly knits - he's making Elizabeth a sweater - and simply does wonders with potted ferns.
Together, Marcel and Elizabeth enjoy the kind of innocence possible only in movies, particularly in French movies. They lie together and pat one another sweetly. They play games, as when Elizabeth hops on the table and pretends she is feeding imaginary barnyard chickens. Marcel draws Elizabeth an old-fashioned bath, boiling the water on his stove and brushing it with (presumably) aromatic branches. They cuddle together in a duck blind, which is surrounded by a beautiful pond and linked to the world by a tiny isthmus and a fragile gate. Settings like this provide all too apt images of the characters' primitive, isolated love.
One day, at school, Elizabeth is forced to recite Heine's ''The Lorelei.'' ''This wonderful young woman is the cause of this man's downfall,'' the teacher announces, explaining the poem. ''She sends him to his doom.'' Elizabeth is upset by this, as the omen-conscious viewer may also be. Sure enough, the tale then moves inexorably toward tragedy.
Miss Billetdoux, a young French novelist, has written and directed the film in a style as incomplete as the love affair itself, never fully expressing whatever it is she means to suggest through this mysterious relationship, and dwelling rather too fondly on the story's inherent ambiguities. When the film is arresting at all, it works more fully on the visual level than any other. There is a good sense of the small town in which the story is set, and of the country atmosphere in which the gardener carries out his simple, earthy duties. Sometimes, as in the cow scene, this point is carried a bit too far. - Janet Maslin,
Movie added at: 02.11.2013

'La femme enfant'

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