L'économie du couple
IMDb 6.5/10  (2 448)
SC 4.8/10 

Year: 2016
Country: France, Belgium
Actors and Actresses: Margaux Soentjens, Jade Soentjens
Tags: bathing girl
Review: Fifteen years earlier, Marie, a well off young woman, had set up house with Boris, a working class man. They loved each other and had twin daughters, Jade and Margaux. But now, Marie and Boris do not get along anymore and have decided to get a divorce. The trouble is that Boris cannot afford to find a new place of his own and, in the meantime must continue to cohabit. Marie desperately wants Boris away and cannot put up with him any longer. Her partner, for his part, will not leave home unless she gives him half of what the house is worth. Marie refuses because she is the one who bought the place. Boris refuses because he renovated it and brought considerable added value to their belonging. The situation is deadlocked. How will they get out of this hell? - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.08.2019


'L'économie du couple'

Európa messze van
IMDb 5.9/10  (47)
RFF 7.2/10  (18)
SC 9.0/10 

Year: 1995
Country: Hungary
Actors and Actresses: Levente Tamási
Tags: bathing boy
Review: This European movie contains political overtones as it chronicles the journey of a Romanian boy heading for a new life in Bavaria. The story begins in 1989 as 10-year old Petru and his family are preparing to escape from Romania following the harassment of Petra's father by Ceausescu's secret police. The family makes it through Hungary and into Austria. Part of the journey was spent concealed in a truck. In Austria, they are classified as economic refugees and placed in a camp. It is not a pleasant place and the refugees are not treated well. His parents temporarily leave Petra there while they go on ahead to Munich to get set up. Petra cannot bear this and escapes from the camp which was recently firebombed by Austrian skinheads. He begins his long trek through Hungary to Bavaria. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 28.08.2019

'Európa messze van'

El Castillo de la pureza
IMDb 7.5/10  (2 397)
RFF 6.6/10  (11)
SC 3.0/10 

Year: 1973
Country: Mexico
Actors and Actresses: Gladys Bermejo
Tags: bathing girl
Review: The story of a disciplined and sexually driven man who keeps his family isolated in his home for years to protect them from the "evil nature" of human beings while inventing (with his wife) rat poison. - IMDb
Movie added at: 24.08.2019

'El Castillo de la pureza'

Pohititeli vody
IMDb 4.7/10  (14)
RFF 6.0/10  (3)
SC 4.5/10 

Year: 1992
Country: Russia
Actors and Actresses: Fred Kuaku, Anton Yashin, Roman Fainshtein
Movie added at: 21.08.2019

'Pohititeli vody'

Daniel fait face
IMDb 6.6/10  (69)
RFF 5.0/10  (1)
SC 8.3/10 

Year: 2018
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Théo Polgar, Madeleine Folacci
Review: Strange things are happening at a school in France, something unknown is approaching, something enchanting and dangerous. In a dream-like timelessness, children dance the tango and recite poems. All at once, Daniel is alone with Marthe. - IMDb
Movie added at: 17.08.2019

'Daniel fait face'

Brutal Childhood
RFF 3.3/10  (3)
SC 4.8/10 

Year: 1989
Country: Vietnam
Tags: boy skinny dip
Review: Brutal childhood is the first film directed by director Nguyen Vinh Son production in 1989. The film is called childhood but it is for both adults and children. The film scene is the battlefield of Hue in the 40s, when the boys aged 9 to 10, should have been to school but were instead involved in the war. Their innocence and patriotism creates touching stories and characters that live up to the times. The story is a heroic epic about the youth who fought and died for the war of national liberation. The main character of the film lost his father when he was killed in Con Dao.
Movie added at: 14.08.2019

'Brutal Childhood'

IMDb 7.0/10  (3 553)
RFF 6.0/10  (5)
SC 8.5/10 

Year: 1985
Country: Australia
Actors and Actresses: Rebecca Rigg, Marc Aden Gray, Bradley Meehan, Beth Buchanan, Sean Garlick, Asher Keddie, Richard Terrill, Anna Crawford
Review: "Fortress" explores a shocking concept which shows how easily a borderline between a victim and an attacker can be crossed. The children and the teacher, calm and peaceful by nature, when driven beyond their limits by the kidnappers, eventually respond with a cruelty and fury extending that of their oppressors. - IMDb
Movie added at: 10.08.2019



IMDb 7.0/10  (181)
RFF 6.9/10  (9)
SC 3.2/10 

Year: 1990
Country: Soviet Union
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 07.08.2019


Hollands børn
SC 2.8/10 

Year: 1946
Country: Denmark
Tags: bathing girl
Review: A shocking document about the ruined Netherlands. We follow a group of children invited to Denmark by Red Barnet.
Movie added at: 03.08.2019

'Hollands børn'

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