Boy and girl skinny dip together

Na végre itt a nyár
IMDb 5.2/10  (96)
RFF 5.7/10  (3)

Year: 2002
Country: Hungary
Actors and Actresses: Nóra Reviczky, Márta Talmács, Viktor Baradlay
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: This film follows the great tradition of Hungarian family movies. It satisfied a long-felt need for youth films, offering a high level of entertainment, as opposed to the numerous American films for youths. The film was shown in cinemas throughout the entire summer of 2002.
Movie added at: 26.03.2016

'Na végre itt a nyár'

Vägen till Gyllenblå!
IMDb 6.8/10  (58)
RFF 7.1/10  (14)
SC 8.9/10 

Year: 1985
Country: Sweden
Actors and Actresses: Liv Alsterlund, Maria Tornlund, Erik Lindgren
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: Ratio Rasch, the president of planet Gyllenblå, has banned laughter and emotions in order to create a society based on reason. Police are constantly patrolling the planet and anyone caught laughing is imprisoned and given anti-laughter serum. Only a few members of an underground guerrilla oppose the president. On Earth, the eccentric Dr. Krull listens to signals from outer space and realizes that something needs to be done so he sends the two children Cecilie and Fredrik to Gyllenblå. Epicykel, a guerrilla member, senses their presence and hopes to get to them first but fails. The children are put in school, where Fredrik has great difficulty controlling his laughter but Cecilie adapts well. The guerrilla knows that laughter is contagious and Fredrik gives them new hope of returning laughter to the people of Gyllenblå. - IMDb
Movie added at: 31.01.2015

'Vägen till Gyllenblå!'

Meztelen vagy
IMDb 4.5/10  (16)
RFF 6.3/10  (6)
SC 9.7/10 

Year: 1972
Country: Hungary
Tags: boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story made explicit. Images of love, death, suicide, violence and mutilation dominate. - Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 26.07.2014

'Meztelen vagy'

Summerhill at 70
IMDb 7.2/10  (18)
RFF 4.0/10  (3)
SC 4.6/10 

Year: 1992
Country: United Kingdom
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: An insight into the unorthodox Suffolk boarding school where lessons are optional, swearing is common, and it's the pupils who decide the rules.
Movie added at: 11.10.2013

'Summerhill at 70'

Bolshie khlopoty iz-za malenkogo malchika
IMDb 5.8/10  (14)
RFF 6.3/10  (8)
SC 8.7/10 

Year: 1968
Country: Soviet Union
Actors and Actresses: Marina Loveiko, Pyotr Shelest
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Movie added at: 11.10.2013

'Bolshie khlopoty iz-za malenkogo malchika'

IMDb 5.9/10  (808)
RFF 6.8/10  (17)
SC 5.9/10 

Year: 2012
Country: Norway
Actors and Actresses: Tea Sandanger, Arnold Efraim Vogt Granqvist, Inga Berger Schou, Vinjar Pettersen, Åsmund Høeg
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: Two brothers in their 40s are found dead in the forest. By their side lies a woman, very weak, but still alive. "All that matters is past" is the story of how Janne meets William after many years of separation. She leaves her family to live with him in a cabin by the river. They recreate the feeling of love and lust that they had as children, being sweethearts playing in the woods. But one day a Chinese baby girl is found floating down the river, and they realize that they are being haunted by William's brother. William and Janne runs further into the woods, trying to escape from their nemesis. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013



Skæve dage i Thy
IMDb 6.0/10  (42)
RFF 3.3/10  (4)
SC 7.8/10 

Year: 1971
Country: Denmark
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: Documentary about the construction of Thy Lejren in 1970 - an alternative summer camp. Features concerts by bands such as Gasolin' and Gnags. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Skæve dage i Thy'

Dark Enemy
IMDb 5.7/10  (76)
RFF 4.5/10  (8)
SC 3.7/10 

Year: 1984
Country: United Kingdom
Actors and Actresses: Rory Macfarquhar, Oliver Hicks
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: After a nuclear war, a group of children at an isolated farmhouse debate what the outside world might be like. Soon one of them leaves the house to investigate, and finds out that things aren't the way they thought. - IMDb
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Dark Enemy'

Mords pas, on t'aime!
IMDb 6.0/10  (81)
RFF 7.4/10  (76)
SC 9.0/10 

Year: 1976
Country: France
Actors and Actresses: Sylviane Bressy, Yves Coudray
Tags: boy skinny dip, bathing girl, girl skinny dip
Review: A child of divorced parents, the young man in this film engineers a situation which will force his mother, whom he has forgotten, to show up. When she does, he is disappointed that she is nothing like his dreams of her. - Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Mords pas, on t'aime!'

Ángeles y querubines
IMDb 6.3/10  (72)
RFF 6.9/10  (15)
SC 9.6/10 

Year: 1972
Country: Mexico
Actors and Actresses: Pablo Corkidi, Lea Corkidi
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: The main story of this film is enfolded between opening and closing sequences of a youthful Adam and Eve reliving their famous moment in the Garden of Eden. In the central episode, two young people in love are kept separate by their families. The boy has a monstrous father who lives in a castle and who may or may not actually be a vampire. The girl lives a reasonably prosperous middle-class existence. When the boy's parents die, it looks as though they might be able to get together, but only for a little while. This highly mannered and symbolic Mexican film was made by Rafael Corkidi, the cinematographer for the equally peculiar film, El Topo. - Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 26.09.2013

'Ángeles y querubines'

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